The running order for this years OGAE Second Chance Contest has taken place. This years contest will be hosted by OGAE Sweden after Mans won in 2007 with the fantastic Cara Mia .
01 Malta Claudia Faniello- Caravaggio
02 Israel Boaz Mauda & Oshrat Papin- Parparim
03 Russia- Sergey Lazarev- Flyer
04 Estonia Rolf Junior- One on one
05 Belgium Sandrine- I feel the same way
06 Fyr Macedonia Risto Samardziev- Dojdi do mene
07 Poland Man Meadow -Viva la musica
08 Finland Mikael Konttinen- Milloin
09 Germany Carolin Fortenbacher- Hinter'm ocean
10 Denmark Kendra Lou- Until we're satisfied
11 Greece Kostas Martakis- Always and forever
12 Serbia- Beauty Queens- Zavet
13 Croatia Emilija Kokić- Andeo
14 Lithuania Aiste Pilvelyte- Troy on fire
15 Ireland Leona Daly- Not crazy after all
16 United Kingdom The Revelations- It's you
17 Portugal Lisboa Nao Sejas Francesa- Porto de encontro
18 Sweden Sanna Nielsen- Empty room
19 Norway Veronica Akselsen- Am I supposed to love again
20 Slovenia Brigita Šuler- Samara
21 Spain Coral - Todo está en tu mente
My favourites are in bold and my top 3 are Sanna, The Revelations and Leona who all would have made fantastic entries for Belgrade. Many on this list deserved to go to Eurovision instead of what did represent their country in particular Leona, The Revelations,Sergey,Coral and Kostas. Hopefully we will see some of them back again next year? Who do you want to win?
Well I have to confess I only know about half of these but I would give third place to Veronika from Norway, second to Kostas, but first place by a long chalk to Viva la musica ohh-ohh-ohh!
It has to be Sanna for me, what a simply beautiful song, no gimmicks, no fancy dress, she was captivating at MF2008 and also won the popular vote over Charlotte P. A deserved winner in more ways than one and not least because she has tried for so many years now, god loves a trier and I love you Sanna, Sanna, look at me Sanna, this way Sanna, we could make sweet muuuuusic Sanna, God damn it, listen to me SANNA !!
In my opinion the best song came from Israel, the best ESC-singer was Boaz Mauda!!!
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